TORONTO, Ontario, September 3, 2021 — Monarca Minerals, Inc. (“Monarca” or the “Company”) (TSX-V:MMN), is pleased to announce that it has completed the first two drill holes at its San Jose project.
Michael R. Smith (Monarca Minerals Senior VP Exploration) states “We are very excited about the positiveresults of the San Jose drilling, having demonstrated the existence of significant skarn mineralization”.
Drill holes SJ01 and SJ03 have been completed – each drill hole successfully intersected skarn mineralizationwith sulfide minerals, based on field quick logs (Figure 1: Field Log Summary). Both exoskarn and endoskarn mineralization were observed. The sulfide minerals observed were dominantly pyrite, with very fine grained dark sulfide minerals, which appear to be sphalerite and galena in some cases. Chalcopyrite was locally observed. Assay results are not yet available. The first batch of samples for assay will be shipped in a few days
to the sample preparation laboratory in Chihuahua, Mexico.
Read the full Press Release.